Palm Tree
Palm Tree

10 Ways to Save Money Like Your Grandma Did

Palm Leaf
Green Leaf

Buy From the Farmer: Cutting out the middleman saves money by shopping at farmers' markets or joining a CSA farm.

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Green Leaf

Learn Basic Sewing: Fixing clothing instead of tossing it saves money. Learn basic sewing techniques from YouTube tutorials or local crafts stores with a friend.

Palm Leaf
Green Leaf

Learn How to Preserve Food: Preserve excess produce to prevent spoilage. Learn techniques like canning, freezing, dehydrating, and fermenting from reliable sources like the National Center for Home Food Preservation.

Palm Leaf
Green Leaf

Make Meat an Accent: Stretch meat portions by making it a supporting player in meals. Try meat-light dishes like lentils with sausage or vegetable-heavy stews.

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Green Leaf

Use Some Elbow Grease: Clean with basic household items like bleach, baking soda, vinegar, and dishwashing liquid to save money. A little elbow grease goes a long way.

Palm Leaf
Green Leaf

Start a Compost Pile: Reduce waste and create nutrient-rich soil by composting kitchen and yard scraps. Keep it simple with a backyard pile or a closed bin.

Palm Leaf
Green Leaf

Make Soup More Often: Save money by making filling and inexpensive soup meals, perfect for slow cookers and freezing leftovers.

Palm Leaf
Green Leaf

Start Saving: Begin saving money now by setting up automatic deposits. Every little bit counts, and it's never too late to start.

Palm Leaf
Green Leaf

Swap Talents: Save money by trading skills with friends, like painting for haircuts. It's a modern twist on old-fashioned community support.

Palm Leaf
Green Leaf

Eat In: Save money by cooking meals at home instead of dining out. Simplify meal planning with themed nights and enjoy quality family time without breaking the bank.