8 "Bad" Drinks You Shouldn't Avoid for Weight Loss, According to Dietitians

Coffee: Often thought to be unhealthy due to added sugar and cream, plain coffee is low in calories and can boost metabolism and fat burning.

Fruit Juice: While high in natural sugars, 100% fruit juice in moderation provides essential vitamins and antioxidants that support overall health.

Smoothies: Frequently considered high-calorie, homemade smoothies can be nutrient-dense and satisfying when made with whole fruits, vegetables, and protein.

Milk: Some avoid milk for its calorie content, but it’s rich in calcium, protein, and vitamins that are crucial for a balanced diet.

Wine: In moderation, wine, especially red, offers antioxidants like resveratrol, which can support heart health and aid in weight management.

Chocolate Milk: Though sweet, it can be a post-workout recovery drink, providing protein, carbs, and essential nutrients for muscle repair.

Coconut Water: Often seen as sugary, it’s a natural electrolyte drink that can aid hydration and provide potassium without added sugars.

Tea: Sweetened or flavored teas are sometimes shunned, but unsweetened or lightly sweetened teas offer antioxidants and can aid digestion and metabolism.

NASA spacecraft spots a dead robot on the surface of Mars.