Palm Tree
Palm Tree

Rare Deep-Sea Fish Washes Ashore on Oregon Beach

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Green Leaf

First Sighting in Oregon: A rare Pacific football fish washed ashore on an Oregon beach, marking the first recorded sighting in the state.

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Green Leaf

Deep-Sea Dweller: These fish inhabit depths of 2,000 to 3,300 feet, living in complete darkness.

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Green Leaf

Unique Light Source: The Pacific football fish uses a phosphorescent bulb on its forehead to attract prey.

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Green Leaf

Rare Specimen: Only 31 specimens have been recorded worldwide in locations including New Zealand, Japan, and California.

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Green Leaf

Significant Discovery: This find is notable for being the first of its kind reported along the Oregon coast.

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Green Leaf

Sexual Dimorphism: Males are 10 times smaller than females and undergo significant physical changes, including the loss of eyes and internal organs.

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Green Leaf

Parasitic Males: Male Pacific football fish rely on females for nutrients, functioning like parasites.

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Green Leaf

Reproductive Role: In return, males provide females with a continuous supply of sperm, though how they locate females in darkness remains unknown.

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Green Leaf

Educational Opportunity: The discovery provides valuable insights into the species and deep-sea ecosystems, highlighting the importance of marine research.

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